Tuesday 1 January 2013

Easiest way to make money online..



How to make money online

  1. The first step is to stop Googling things like, "how to make money online." Not because you shouldn't want to make money online, but because the stuff you're going to find by doing that is going to help you lose money online. Sort of like asking a casino owner how to make money in Vegas...
  2. Don't pay anyone for simple and proven instructions on how to achieve this goal. In particular, don't pay anyone to teach you how to write or sell manuals or ebooks about how to make money online.
  3. Get rich slow.
  4. Focus on the scarce resource online: attention. If you try to invent a way to take cheap attention and turn it into cash, you will fail. The attention you want isn't cheap, it's difficult to get via SEO and it rarely scales. Instead, figure out how to earn expensive attention.
  5. In addition to attention, focus on trust. Trust is even more scarce than attention.
  6. Don't worry so much about the 'online' part. Instead, figure out how to create value. The online part will take care of itself.
  7. Don't quit your day job. Start evenings and weekends and figure it out with small failures.
  8. Build a public reputation. A good one, and be sure that you deserve it, and that it will hold up to scrutiny.
  9. Obsessively specialize. No niche is too small if it's yours.
  10. Connect the disconnected.
  11. Lead.
  12. Build an online legacy that increases in value daily.
  13. Make money offline. If you can figure out how to create value face to face, it's a lot easier to figure out how to do the same digitally. The web isn't magic, it's merely efficient.
  14. Become the best in the world at something that people value. Easier said than done, worth more than you might think.
  15. Hang out with people who aren't looking for shortcuts. Learn from them.
  16. Fail. Fail often and fail cheaply. This is the very best gift the web has given to people who want to bootstrap their way into a new business.
  17. Make money in the small and then relentlessly scale.
  18. Don't chase yesterday's online fad.
  19. Think big, act with intention and don't get bogged down in personalities. If it's not on your agenda, why are you wasting time on it?
  20. Learn. Ceaselessly. Learn to code, to write persuasively, to understand new technologies, to bring out the best in your team, to find underused resources and to spot patterns.
  21. This is not a zero sum game. The more you add to your community, the bigger your piece gets.

Monday 31 December 2012

Empayar Gangnam...

Oppa Gangnam Style
korang mesti taw pasal Gangnam Style kan..klu x taw tu tipu lar tu..aku rase pelik gak camner lar lagu nie boleh famous smpi all over the world...perghh dasyat tu...siti pun belum tentu org utan banat taw lagu dia..haha..even aku yg giler k-pop sanggup tune on channel KBS world nak tngk music bank pun pelik...(dulu jer minat K-Pop  skrg dh back to reality)...aku ade gak wat survey nape diorang minat giler gangnam nie..nie jawapan diorang (style kut,best n mcm2 agi lah)......ape yg dpt aku lihat tarian yg diorang buat tu x ubah mcm tarian jenaka yg dipopularkan oleh gadis2 terkinja kinja yg comel kat blkg tu...aku rase klu x der penambah perisa kat blkg tu x der sape pun yg minat..wakaka.so aku rase pelawak2 malysia lepas nie boleh lar wat album ngan tarian giler2..dulu aku rase rami dh pelawak2 malysia wat tarian giler2 nie tapi org wat x taw jer malah ade yg menganggap diorang wat lawak bodoh jer..kesian x..haha..itulah nasib pelawak malaysia dulu...btw aku x leh nak halang korang daripada minat lagu tu coz aku pun ade gak yg aku suka follow...haha...k lar teruskan lah ngan ape yg korang minat...akhir kata artis malaysia didahulukan,artis luar diutamakan...aku still kompius ngan tag line tu yg mana satu lagi penting ntah lar....

Jangan Lupe Tinjau2 Iklan2 promosi tu..huhu

Friday 28 December 2012

Is not fair...

      Sony adds DVR feature to PS Vita, but only in Japan 


After a bit of a delay, Sony’s PS3-compatible DVR system was released in Japan a couple of months ago. The system is called Nasne and it allows you to record both satellite and terrestrial TV programmes onto the device’s 500GB hard drive.
For those of you that have never heard of Nasne, it’s another device to sit alongside your PS3. It has its own hard drive so you can record TV without using up your precious PS3 storage. However, it is also possible just to buy the software that allows you to do the exact same thing on your PS3, without requiring a Nasne purchase. That software is called Torne, and it comes with a digital tuner set allowing you to record programmes directly onto your PS3. Once you’ve got movies or TV shows stored on either a PS3 or Nasne, they can be transferred to other Sony devices, so you can enjoy them on the go.
Now, Torne has been made available to downloaded for the PlayStation Vita , but only if you live in Japan. The app is currently free, but after February 27 next year it will cost around $9 to download. Torne on PS Vita is essentially a portable version of the normal Torne software and it’s just as simple and easy to use as the PS3 equivalent. Although, copying video to the Vita takes a little bit longer, due to the fact the file has to be modified to fit the Vita’s smaller screen size.
Sadly, neither Torne or Nasne will be coming to the US any time soon as Sony has said there’s no plans to release it over here. But if there’s a sudden surge in the popularity of recording TV shows at home, Sony will soon change its mind and start shipping Nasne in the West.

Thursday 27 December 2012

WTF Rooney blaja cakap Melayu

Sape x kenal pemain bola terkenal dunia Rooney...
perghh cakap melayu beb

check out video here..

Will Bioshock Vita ever come out?

     The BioShock Vita version is being hammered out by the suits at Take-Two and Sony, Ken Levine has said.
The Irrational Games chief took to the stage at E3 2011 to announce a BioShock game of some description, but we've heard nothing since, and Levine's latest comments suggest full production on the game is yet to begin.
Speaking to Eurogamer this week Levine said he was still interested in making a BioShock for Sony's portable console, but it was out of his hands.
“Where the Vita stands right now, it's in the hands of the business people at Take-Two and the business people at Sony working out, hey, what happens in these business people discussions? Fortunately I don't have to take part in it any more because I sold my company a long time ago.
“It's something I'm still very interested in. I still have a cool design for it. It's a question of, do those guys come to find the right mix that makes everybody happy to make that happen?”
Whatever BioShock turns out to be on Vita, we know it won't be a port of BioShock Infinite.
“I've never said it was Infinite,” Levine said. “It will be something. I'm always hesitant to talk too much about things we don't have anything to show about because it's getting ahead of ourselves. I'm trying to be very careful."
Back in March Levine explained to Eurogamer why the game was announced so early.
"[With the Vita announcement], Sony was launching this platform and it was important that they had a show of support from people no matter what stage of development they were at.
"Sony has been such a good partner to us, and I'm not just blowing smoke.
"Not just on a professional level, but on a personal level they've been really good to us. Every time we see them they take really good care of us. So they asked me to do that and I said okay, even though that's not what I normally do.
"And I tried not to oversell it when I went out there. I just said 'we're doing this'. I didn't want to present something that I didn't have a lot of clarity on at that point."

check out video here

Tasha Mansahar ft Syada Amzah(idola kecil)


Wednesday 26 December 2012

Terminal Bus Amanjaya Ipoh

 Kalau kat KL kite ade puduraya untuk arah utara n Terminal Bersepadu Selatan untuk arah selatan....yg terbaru kat Ipoh kite Terminal Amanjaya.....seyes mmg moden but name jer mcm lebih kepada keselamatan klu org luar dtg mesti ingt kat dlm tu ade pejabat polis n seangkatan dngn nyer...btw it was good effort show by state goverment...so sape ingt ipoh nie x der pape korang silap lar byk lagi new development yg akan dibangunkan....haha...
cantik kan dalamannyer.....nak wat mcm airport style....skunk nie style nie mmg famous coz nk bagi up skit kat org naik bus nie...huhu...